6 Must-Know Call of Duty Mobile Tips and Tricks for New Players to Dominate the Battlefield


Call of Duty Mobile Tips and Tricks – Popular first-person shooter Call of Duty Mobile provides players with an exciting and captivating gaming experience. It’s no surprise that Call of Duty Mobile has acquired a sizable fanbase with its fast-paced action and realistic graphics. Yet, particularly for beginner players, mastering the game can be rather difficult. We’ll provide you some useful advice and gameplay suggestions in this blog post to help you get better at the game.

Source: COD Official Website

6 Call of Duty Mobile Tips and Tricks for better gaming

Master the Controls:

Make sure you practice on the game’s training mode for a while before entering a match. Learn how to use all of the game’s controls, including the ones for moving, aiming, shooting, and reloading. You can alter the controls to match your preferred playing style. For instance, you can modify the button arrangement or tweak the sensitivity of the controls.

Choose Your Loadout Wisely:

Your loadout in Call of Duty Mobile is essential to your success. Make sure to pick your tools and weapons wisely. Choose a weapon that fits your playing style because each one has advantages and disadvantages. For instance, if close-quarters warfare is your preference, go for a shotgun or an SMG. Choose a sniper rifle if you like warfare at a distance.

Play Smart:

The most crucial thing to remember when playing Call of Duty Mobile is to play wisely. Keep an eye on the mini-map, pay attention to your surroundings, and keep a sharp eye out for any hostile movement. For your goals to be met, it’s also crucial to collaborate with your team and communicate clearly.

Use Cover to Your Advantage:

In Call of Duty Mobile, cover is your best friend. Use it to your advantage to evade enemy fire and find cover so you can reload or heal. As much as you can, hide under cover, and make use of it to your advantage when battling foes.

Utilize Score streaks:

Score streaks are potent skills that can give you the upper hand throughout a game. These include things like airstrikes, UAVs, and other things. Use them wisely, and don’t waste them on a futile endeavor. Aim to employ them when you have a good possibility of reversing the battle’s momentum. Pay attention to the score streak counter.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

Call of Duty Mobile demands practice in order to perfect, just like any other ability. To develop your talents, spend time in the game’s training mode or compete against robots. To compare your abilities with those of other players, you can also join clans and take part in competitions.



You may enhance your gameplay and become a better Call of Duty Mobile player by using the advice in this guide. Always play strategically, interact with your team, and consistently train to advance your abilities. You can control the battlefield and win every game if you put in the effort and perseverance.

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